martes, marzo 15, 2011

A practical call

[Call to conserve electricity - March 11 Japan]

For the Japanese, practicality overrides all things. First things first: BE ENERGY EFFICIENT - conserve electricity.

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lunes, marzo 14, 2011

A hideaway enveloped by forests

[Arcana Izu, Japan]

Was considering this onsen resort in Japan for my honeymoon, I guess not anymore... Would love to spend a weekend there at some point though. Monocle Magazine raves about it, looks like a fabulous place to escape from Shanghai for the food and fresh air.

Arcana Izu, Yugashima
〒410-3206 静岡県伊豆市湯ヶ島1662
T 0558.85.2700 F 0558.85.2701

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lunes, marzo 07, 2011

Japanese Black Seseame Butter


Just the right tint of sweetness - goes with anything, especially good with Ritz Crackers.

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jueves, marzo 03, 2011

Unique food gifts from Tokyo

[Higashiya Ginza's sweet potato chips]

Uniquely sliced and packaged sweet potato chips - no additives, so it actually taste like nothing :)

Get it at Higashiya Ginza

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